Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr and Hungry F?

1) Why Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN?
Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN because it is easy for the atom to lose e-. Francium has a total of 7 shells, the most number of shells, and has the least powerful nucleus. It has the largest atomic radius since it has fewer protons there is less of an attraction. Also it has the least powerful charge, and it woud make it easy to lose an electron.

2)Why Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE?
Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE because when an atom has high IE it is hard for an atom to lose e-. It is a noble gas and it doesn't react, so it is impossible for it to lose or gain e-.

3)Why Noble Gases don't have EN values?
Noble Gases don't have EN values because they have a full valence shell so they don't react.

4)Why Fluorine has the highest EN?
The reason that Flourine has the highest EN is that it is a halogen which means it has 7 valence electrons and it needs only one more to complete its valence shell. It is the smallest, has the fewest shells, which means that Fluorine has a greater tendency to attract other electrons. Fluorine is the most reactive element out of all the halogens because of its small size and its high EN level which makes it want to grab other electrons.

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